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*For new clients only
Who Am I?
Hey there! My name is Joanna. I am a Fascial Specialist, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and coach at Next Level Performance Consulting. I grew up in athletics primarily doing gymnastics, and found CrossFit as an adult to stay healthy and strong. I graduated from ASU with a Bachelor’s in Exercise and Wellness, and have been helping people both in and out of the gym ever since!
Outside of the gym I am currently a Trampoline & Tumbling athlete with the Arizona Phoenixes, and love being outdoors! Now that you know who I am, read below to discover what Stretch for Strength is all about.

What is Stretch for Strength?
Stretch for Strength is a business that strives to make you feel like you can reach any goal you set your mind to with the right customized care. It is inspired by every client I have seen that has gained flexibility and confidence in themselves, as well as gotten stronger: both physically and mentally. I provide Fascial Stretch Therapy sessions and private training as my best tools to help you, along with giving you the best education on fascia and stretching. I aim to help you understand the best way to achieve your current goals, and strive to set new ones.
Keep scrolling to learn more about Fascial Stretch Therapy and Training, or click below to book now. I look forward to meeting you!

The Services I Provide:
Fascial Stretch Therapy
It’s time to get Flexy! Fascial Stretch Therapy is a pain-free assisted stretching method that helps to improve performance, rehab injuries, and increase flexibility. Fascial Stretch Therapy addresses the fascia of your body, utilizing a massage table and stabilizing straps to achieve an optimal stretch of the fascial system. FST prioritizes use of breath and traction to unwind the tissue and provide the most relaxing experience possible. It is the most dynamic and functional way to improve fascia and achieve results, without needing to use pain. It utilizes reflexes and your nervous system in order to get the most flexibility and restore function in the fascial system.
- Fascial Stretch Therapy targets the joint capsule, where up to 47% of flexibility is locked.
- FST tunes the nervous system to the client’s needs: whether that is ramping up before an event, or winding down and relaxing.
- Using the nervous system, Fascial Stretch Therapy improves the muscle’s ability to activate as well as relax.
- Fascial Stretch Therapy treats the body as a whole structure, rather than in pieces.
- FST uses the fascial network to find the true source of pain and dysfunction, which is often not where the site of pain is.
- Anyone can use FST and gain benefits from it. From children to the elderly, to elite and professional athletes, to weekend warriors, to pre and post-natal women, to anyone trying to eliminate pain: FST can help everybody!

Personal Fitness Training
It’s time to get strong! Flexibility is extremely important to be an adaptable and healthy person. Strength assures that the flexibility that you do have/can gain is controlled and safe. Getting stronger means we have a greatly decreased risk for experiencing both major and nagging injuries, especially when pairing strength training with Fascial Stretch Therapy!
Personal Fitness Training and Fascial Stretch Therapy is helpful for any type of athlete. If you are a long-distance/endurance athlete, we can increase strength and flexibility so the body can handle impact for longer periods. If you are a strength/power athlete, we can balance any excessive asymmetries to increase performance. If you are in a rotational sport like golf, baseball, and more we can make sure you are able to handle rotational forces with the appropriate training, while increasing your swing/performance. If you are a new athlete that has ever stepped in the gym before, we can discover your true potential! We will make strength progress quickly, and sustain with flexibility work.
Personal fitness training with me is geared to help you get stronger and become better. Resiliency and goal setting will follow with new ones continually being set. Everything we do is based off your needs as a person, and desires as an athlete. Become the most adaptable and unstoppable person out there, and come get strong!

Training and Stretching Located inside Next Level PHX!
Located off Scottsdale Road and Oak Street!
2200 N Scottsdale Rd C,
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
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